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Thursday, May 27, 2010

The perfect balance?

Stress and anxiety is very common in todays busy world. While a little bit of stress helps us to perform at our best, ongoing stress is well known as a common driver of ill health which may include adrenal depletion, exhaustion, a compromised immune system and depression. Stress is a common presenting symptom in patients presenting to natural medicine practitioners. Being able to effectively help patients with the symptoms of stress early on is imperative.

Stress is one of the leading causes of absenteeism from work. Studies have found that stress related absenteeism costs Australian employers over $10 billion per year.

Natural medicine offers us a range of herbs that help to nourish the nervous system, effectively soothe and calm anxiety, modulate the stress response and improve mood. With long term stress our demand for nutrients increases and important vitamins, such as vitamin B5 and vitamin C, are often found to be deficient. With stress, anxiety and depression on the increase in Australia, it is important that you prescribe effective treatments to relieve acute symptoms and prevent future health complications associated with chronic stress.

Also with any internal medicines, it is important to consider what lifestyle choices you have made to make your life more stressful. You can take as much internal medications as you like, but your life decisions are the ones that count the most.

1 Stress: It is imperative that you address all stressors in your life. If emotional stress has played a role, it’s time to get some counselling.

2 Lifestyle: It’s easy to push yourself but taking a good look at your lifestyle and making some positive changes really helps.

3 Relaxation Techniques: Whether it be yoga, meditation or cooking, find out what works to relax you and make time for it every week.

4 Exercise: Probably the last thing you’ll feel like doing but regular, gentle exercise it a true stress buster.

5 Diet: Nutritional deficiencies are just another form of stress, so eat well. Get some professional advice on this if you don’t know where to start.

6 Avoid Stimulants: Alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, recreational drugs have all got to go.

7 Address any other health problems: Chronic allergies, infections are all a source of stress on the body. If you have an underlying health condition talk to your naturopath

8 Hydrate: Each person’s water requirement depends on their weight, temperature and exercise. Normal intake is calculated by multiplying weight in kilo’s by 33mls. (e.g. 70kg x 33mls=2.310L). Exercising in hot conditions would require a greater intake. Dehydration adds to your stress load.

9 Just say no: Don’t over commit yourself, manage your work/life balance. Look after yourself and give yourself time to recover your health.

10 Get some Professional Advice: See your Naturopath. Herbal and nutritional medicine can make the world of difference. A well balanced treatment plan from a professional Naturopath, including dietary, lifestyle, herbal and nutritional medicine, will really help to improve your body’s response to stress and your overall health.